“Other media send correspondents abroad. KULTURAUSTAUSCH works directly with authors on the ground”
Ulrich Raulff
President, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen

Editor’s picks

Cécile Calla is an editor. At KULTURAUSTAUSCH she has covered water rituals and the culture of violence in Mexico. When she is not writing or planning her next project, she likes to put her hands in the ground or go jogging. She has lived in Berlin since the end of 2003. Here are her current top picks:

The Kulturaustausch team



What’s on your mind?

KULTURAUSTAUSCH’s editorial team works from Berlin, but our networks of authors stretch around the globe ­– to Lagos, Taipeh, or Bogotá, for example.

Would you like to get in touch, send us feedback or drop a message to one of our contributors? 

Get in touch!

Our current issue


Indigenous groups have long struggled to protect their traditional ways of life. Young activists are now building up international networks:

“Indigeneity is not a label”
Maori, Masaai, Inuit: Kenyan activist Mali Ole Kaunga about the power of international networking

The taste of home
We asked eight people which food they associate most with their indigenous community

“Cholitas on skateboards”
Young indigenous women skateboard through Cochabamba wearing traditional dress

You’ll find this and much more in our current issue! 

Order German issue  Read selected articles


“KULTURAUSTAUSCH supports authors who lack secure income, recognition or safety in their home country. Through this network, the magazine builds cultural relationships worldwide”
Gitte Zschoch
Secretary general, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
